Genealogy |
Boers |
Genealogie |
The Boers Branch | Die Boers Tak | |
The patriarch of the Boers branch of our family is Hendrikus Wouterus Boers. He arrived with his wife, Hendrika Maria Lijsen, and their first son, Arnoldus Gerhardus Johannes in Port Natal on January 7, 1857. This site contains almost complete information on the youngest son of the patriarch Hendrikus Wouterus, also Hendrikus Wouterus, named after his father. There was also a third son, Gerhardus Johannes Bernardus. | Die stamvader van die Boers tak van ons familie is Hendrikus Wouterus Boers. Hy het saam met sy vrou, Hendrika Maria Lijsen, en hulle oudste seun, Arnoldus Gerhardus Johannes op 7 Januarie 1857 in Port Natal aangekom. Die terrein is redelik volledig oor die jongste seun van die stamvader Hendrikus Wouterus, ook Hendrikus Wouterus, na sy pa vernoem. Daar was ook nog ‘n derde seun, Gerhardus Johannes Bernardus. | |