Christiaan Ludolph NEETHLING


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Christiaan Ludolph NEETHLING 1

  • Born: 21 Des 1717, Ruppen (graafskap/county), Brandenburg
  • Died: 27 Mar 1790 at age 72

bullet  General Notes:

1735 hoofonderwyser en later sekretaris van die posmeester, Ruppen. Vertrek 1740 na Nederland. Aankoms in die Kaap 25 Januarie 1741 met die "Amsterdam". Volgens Hoge was hy ingesrkyf as Christian Ludolph maar kry 1749 vergunning om die van Neethling daaraan toe te voeg. Assistent 1742-48, later boekhouer, 1756 sekretaris Raad van Justisie, en onderkoopman. 1786 sekretatis Weeskamer en lid Raad van Justisie. Gepensioeneerd 1789 (vry aangehaal uit de Villers/Pama).
1735 headmaster and later secretary of the postmaster, Ruppen. Leaves in 1740 for the Netherlands. Arrival in the Cape 25 January 1741 with the "Amsterdam". According to Hoge he had been entered as Christian Ludolph but received permission to add the family name Neethling in 1749. Assistant 1742-48, later accountant, 1756 secretary of the Council of Justice, and junior merchant. 1786 secretary Weeskamer and member of the Council of Justice. Retired 1789 (quoted freely from de Villiers/Pama).


Christiaan married Living



1 C. C. de Villiers, hersien deur, revised by, C. Parma, p. 620.

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