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Gerhardus Johannes BOERS
Catharina SOETERS
Arnoldus LIJSEN
Jannegjen (ook Jannetje) VAN LUNTEREN
Hendrikus Wouterus BOERS
Hendrika Maria LIJSEN
Arnoldus Gerhardus Johannes BOERS


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Anna Catharina FUHRI

Arnoldus Gerhardus Johannes BOERS 2 3 4

  • Born: 30 Jan 1855, Vorden, Gelderland
  • Marriage: Anna Catharina FUHRI 28 Aug 1879 1
  • Died: 9 Aug 1938, Volksrust at age 83 5

bullet  General Notes:

Sy naam is 'n kombinasie van sy ma se pa, Arnoldus Lijsen, en sy pa se pa, Gerhardus Johannes Boers. Dit het 'n bekende naam geword onder die Suid-Afrikaanse nakomelinge van Hendrikus en Hendrika.
His name is a combination of his mother's father's name, Arnoldus Lijsen, and his father's father's name, Gerhardus Johannes. It became a well-known name among the South African descendants of Hendrikus and Hendrika.


Arnoldus married Anna Catharina FUHRI on 28 Aug 1879.1 (Anna Catharina FUHRI was born on 24 Oct 1860 in Weenen, Natal and died in 1943.)



1 B. Ciliers, 1986.

2 J.G.J. van Booms, Amsterdam Gemeentearchief.

3 Rijksarchief Gelderland, met dokumentasie, with docomentation.

4 J.G.J Booma, Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, Brief 1998.

5 B. Cilliers, 1986.

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