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Jan Andries (Johann Andreas) TRÜTER VON OSTERODE
Johannes Hendrikus BLANKENBERG
Anna Margaretha VAN DER HEYDEN
Petrus Johannes TRUTER
Johanna Ernestina BLANKENBERG
Henricus (Hendrikus) Andreas TRUTER


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Maria Dorothea TREDOUX

Henricus (Hendrikus) Andreas TRUTER 1 2

  • Christened: 3 Jul 1785
  • Marriage: Maria Dorothea TREDOUX 6 Nov 1808

bullet  General Notes:

Daar is geen inligting wat Jacobus Tredoux Truter verbind met Henricus of
Hendrikus Andreas Truter en Maria Dorothea Tredoux nie, maar Jacobus Tredoux se geboortedatum (14 November 1821) kan pas by die huweliksdag van Henricus (Hendrikus) Andreas Truter en Maria Dorothea Tredoux (6 November 1808).
There is no information which links Jacobus Tredoux Truter with Henricus or
Hendrikus Andreas Truter and Maria Dorothea Tredoux, but Jacobus Tredoux's birth date (14 November 1821) can fit with the wedding date of Henricus (Hendrikus) Andreas Truter and Maria Dorothea Tredoux (6 November 1808).


Henricus married Maria Dorothea TREDOUX, daughter of Jacques Gideon TREDOUX and Maria Dorothea DE NICKER, on 6 Nov 1808. (Maria Dorothea TREDOUX was christened on 7 Nov 1790.)



1 Ben Cillier, aangehaal deuar Eric Swardt, cited by Eric Swardt, cited by Eric Swardt.

2 C. C. de Villiers, hersien deur, revised by, C. Parma, p. 998.

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