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Hendrik LUBBE
Catharina VAN WYK
Johan Hendrik (Johan Heinrich) LANGE
Aletta LÜBBE
Anna Catherina DE LANGE


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Hermanus Stephanus LOMBARD

Anna Catherina DE LANGE 1 2

  • Christened: Omstreeks 1771
  • Marriage: Hermanus Stephanus LOMBARD 11 May 1783


Anna married Hermanus Stephanus LOMBARD, son of Anthonie LOMBARD and Isabella POTGIETER, on 11 May 1783. (Hermanus Stephanus LOMBARD was born in Tulbagh and was christened on 8 Apr 1759 in Swartland.)



1 Suid Afrikaanse Geslagregisters van die Genealogiese Instituut van Suid-Afrika, South African Genealogies of the Genealogical Institute of South Africa, deel 5, 181, part 5, 181.

2 C. C. de Villiers, hersien deur, revised by, C. Parma, pp. 460, 424.

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